Stage 1: Denial
In this stage, the teacher has handed out the study guide for the final, approximately a week or two before the actual final. The teacher may also say if you are allowed a cheat sheet. You deny the study guide and want to destroy it with fire. Sadly, your fireplace doesn't work like it used to, and it's too freaking hot to use a fire place. If anything, you are using the AC. You also realize your grade is most likely borderline of going up or down, so what do you do?
Stage 2: Starting to Give a Flying Chessecake, But Not Really...
Your parent points out that finals are soon, and why aren't you studying. You ignore them and semi-care. Most likely, you'll give the parent a half response, a grunt, or an "Unh. I'll start soon, I promise." Truth is, you are probably not going to start until three to five days before the actual test.
Stage 3: The Panic Begins
You start to lose a little/a lot of your appetite and you become clingy AF. You hold on to a relative like a koala. Then you start to attempt your study guide. Then you look at the first question and you ask Siri "What language is this in, and translate this into English." Then you say "cheese and rice it" and throw it around your room before saying "Just kidding, I need to pass this class."
Stage 4: The Final Countdown
You are in the class of your first final. You (somehow) managed to sleep and eat two bites of your breakfast. First final in 5...4...3...2...1 *ring ring* "Good morning class. Are you ready for your first final?" You wonder what drugs your teacher is on because he/she looks way too happy considering the situation.
Stage 5: The Actual Finals
About half of your finals are done. You panic because the big ones are coming. Aye yay yay~! The big ones are the ones that will be the death of you. The teachers are still way too freaking happy and it kind of scares you. You start to wonder how you have not run away screaming from campus, but yet here you are trying not to cry because you are in the fetal position at your seat. Well, you're in the fetal position inside your head >~<
Stage 6: Eff this, I'm Out!
Last final of the day is finished. You are happy again, and now know what happiness is again. Everything is great, indeed. Because you are on vacation.
Again, arigato gozaimasu to everyone and gambatte on your finals. If you finished your finals already 1) can I switch places with you? and 2) Congratulations!