
Why Stress 2 Be Blessed?

Hey-ho! ☆Mi7☆ です!
Today, let's talk about stress. It's the worst, agreed? For example, I had a test in Anatomy this week. It was 3 chapters combined on the nervous system. (¿POR QUΓ‰?) Now, second semester, I decided to crack-a-lack on Anatomy. Go hard.

Like, the club is my GPA, so it's really more like "The GPA can't even handle moi RN." Naturally, since I'm a Taurus, I'm too stubborn for a tutor (What, like this surprised you?!). So I started studying a lot more. 45 minute sessions for 6 days out of the 7 days of the week. I walked in like a BAWSE on the day of the test. Much like this:

Except it didn't have 2,763,844,989 views, more like 20-ish. And no explosions. But I did strut like a stud. I left the class thinking that I had put those cranial nerves to shame. Fast-forward a week, I score a 63%. The average score was a 65%, so this does put my mind at ease "See, not such a failure after all. The entire class failed with you. No bad. Es muuuuuyyyyyy bueeeeenoooooo. Ha ha, nope. Confidence no longer resides in your brain. It didn't move to Timbuktu, it moved to Timbuk-seventy five." Thankfully, the teacher did offer a retake. Which I took. And I'm still waiting. In the meanwhile, I'll panic some more. Or something. 

Want a Part 2? Let me know! 


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