
My Summer Vacation So Far! (and Ciào Smiles)

Yes I am back! Finals finished up, and my finals grades are all As and Bs *happy dance, happy dance*

I did tell you all to follow my activities on Twitter due to convenience, did I not?

Anyways...the Warriors did not win the NBA Finals...the Cavs did (Congrats to the Cavs and LeBron James, but our team wanted to win...>w<). From June 3-6 (or was it 7?) the whole family took a nice vacation (11 hour drive, but for me it was more of an 11 hour nap.) to a beach-y area. We went to the beach practically every day, and that was so fun! Buuut, on June 26th I made my first full-meal for myself.
Tempura shrimp and ramen (ok it was instant ramen, but not that Maruchan stuff.)

So that was my summer hencefar. But wait there's more! This Muto Ayami announcement. Awww Ayami why?! First you leave the idol business (you have a voice that would make literally anyone cry rainbows), now this?! Although, I guess we should be thankful she's not closing her Twitter. Also, Ciao Smiles is incredibly...ciao~! Yuzumi's voice sounds pretty close to Yui's voice (from 2013 Nendo to now). I wished we could see the full MV, but the short version is better than nothing, I suppose.
But their image changed a little bit as well.
I want to say about a month ago...
Very different. Yuzumi looks a lot younger in the first photo (is it because of the pigtails?!) than in the second photo. Didn't even recognize Uemura Yui (in 1st, pic she is to the immediate right of the girl in the yellow {Karen}). Didn't recognize Miyata Kurumi either (purple tutu in first pic, back row middle right in second picture). BTW, if I got it wrong, please let me know...

Thank you for reading as usual, and I do my 絶対 best to write as many blog posts as I can!